
Red Wolf is a global media and culture company helping brands amplify their digital presence and increase their revenue and impact.

Keep reading if you think you have what it takes to join our team...

A mile past excellence.

WANTED: Ambitious, skilled professionals, with real life experience, who can drive results without compromising standards.

“Every client should feel like they’re our only client.”

Our Values

Our standards are high, and we hold ourselves (and each other) to them. We keep our promises, fix our mistakes, and find solutions to our problems. No excuses.

Beyond the Job Description
Our team is small, but our mission and responsibilities are huge. This means we expect every team member to step up to the plate to accomplish the mission, and
we will not accept the excuse of “that’s not in my job description.”

Our team consistently executes at a high level because we prioritize clarity of goals, expectations, and responsibilities with our clients and within our team.

We practice clear, effective, concise, and honest communication, internally and
with clients, using active listening, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution.

Success comes from providing good results on a regular basis, at the same level and with the same enthusiasm, no matter the circumstance.

Customer Service
Our clients are our highest priority, and we give each one the attention and care they deserve to get them the results they expect from us.

We will never punish honesty. In fact, we demand it. We value radical candor about everything, from concerns and expectations to limitations and mistakes.

Every wolf in our pack is committed to driving change, solving problems, and pushing the company forward, even in the absence of instructions or orders.

Red Wolf Entertainment does not hire employees or contractors. We hire leaders who practice consistent ownership, self-sufficiency, confidence, and vision.

Talk is cheap. The value is in the results. At Red Wolf, every step we take and plan we implement is dedicated to achieving measurable results.

In all things, we operate as a team and a family. We pull our weight, offer support when it’s needed, and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

Violence of Action

We believe that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. We also know that some tasks require speed and force, and we know when and how to use them.